People with brown skin known for their enchanting beauty, but on the other hand, women with brown skin suffer from many problems such as lack of uniform skin color and darkening of some areas and others.

1- Orange mask:

Take orange peels and grind them into a paste, then mix them with milk. Apply this mask on your face and hands, leave it for 20 to 30 minutes, then wash your face with warm water. Reapply this mask regularly to lighten the skin.

2- Turmeric mask:

Mix turmeric with lemon juice and milk, then put it on the pigmented areas of your body, leave it for 10 minutes, then remove it with water. To get a quick result, repeat the mask daily.

3- Potato mask:

Potatoes are a great bleach for the skin. Put it on your skin for at least half an hour a day, then wash it off with water.

4- Nut mask:

Makes your skin radiant and healthy Take two or three walnuts and pour water over them and leave it overnight, then make a paste and apply it on your face and leave it until it dries and then remove it with cold water.

Other scanners:

Mix turmeric with honey and then apply it on your face and leave it to dry (this mask should be applied at least once a week to get the best results)

Tips for dark-skinned women:

If you have color interferences in your skin since birth, you will not be able to get rid of them completely, but rather reduce them.

Avoid using different products and your diet should be balanced and include plenty of vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins in your regular meals.

Drink plenty of fluids and juices because they are necessary to make your skin glow and radiate vitality.