Most girls are keen to use different types of sunscreens, with the aim of preserving their skin, and protecting it from damage that may be caused to it as a result of exposure to sunlight, direct ultraviolet rays, and harmful ultraviolet rays that may cause great harm and damage to their skin, and cause the appearance of lines, wrinkles and pigmentation. And even skin cancer.

However, many miss the importance of using sunscreen for their hair as well, because of its great and direct effect in protecting hair from dryness and damage, and most girls may not have heard of sunscreen for hair.. Here is a simple idea of ​​the types of this sunscreen, how to use it and its importance to you.

The importance of protecting hair and scalp

A German study, conducted in 2019, concluded that ultraviolet rays can damage the hair as much as it does the skin, damaging hair follicles.

This study showed that spending a long time in the sun damages the structure and color of the hair, and it may lead to various burns on the scalp, which increases the incidence of skin cancer.

According to a similar Spanish study, conducted in 2015, the hair constitutes a relative protection for the scalp, and the level of this protection varies according to the density of the hair, but in all cases it will not constitute a complete protection from UV damage.

Types of sunscreen for hair

The types of sunscreen for hair are divided into four types, noting that this protection is not used daily, and you can choose one of these types, and use it to protect your hair:


Powders for protecting hair from the sun's rays are the lightest method, as they do not form thick layers on the scalp, and have a second benefit in absorbing excess oils, and helping to increase hair density.


Spraying spray through sprays is the second lightest product related to hair protection from the sun after powders, and this spray helps to increase the moisture of the hair, and give it additional shine, and these products often contain a type of hair conditioner, so it can be left for a longer period on the hair, and it is able To protect it from the heat resulting from the use of hairdressers, which depend on high heat.


The heaviest options and not liked by many girls, but it is the best at all, especially before swimming, as it is able to form a thick layer, which prevents water from entering the hair easily.


Some girls do not want to put any product on their hair, and resort to using special hats to protect it from the harmful rays of the sun. It is also possible to buy clothes and hats that have the property of protecting the hair and body from ultraviolet rays (UPF).

How to use sunscreen to protect hair

If you want to use one of these powder-based products, you must first follow the instructions written on it, but most of them are placed along the hair parting line, and then the scalp is massaged with it, provided that the hair is dry when applying this powder or powder.

In the event that you want to use one of the protections that are in the form of a spray, it is preferable to use it on dry hair, except for some products that require the hair to be wet, and this is explained in the instructions. The entire hair, and it is preferable that you comb the hair after spraying the spray to ensure that it is covered well, and so that no visible trace of the spray remains.

With regard to creams, some products work very similar to normal sunscreen, that is, we simply put them on and paint them, and some products require according to their instructions to put them on for a specific period, then rinse them with water.

Finally, you have to pay attention to some important things, including: Do not try to make these condoms at home, and that your skin not be sensitive to their types, and it is also advised to be careful in case you suffer from eczema and try it on a small part first, and also if your hair is dyed, do not try to use condoms Custom body sun on your hair.