With this miracle ingredient, your face skin will be smooth and free from black and white heads

Black head


Owners of mental skin are the ones who suffer the most from the problem of blackheads that distort the beauty of the skin, so we offer a recipe for starch and coffee to remove the heads in a short period, and this mask will rid you of them without pain and make your skin soft and white for a long time.

Ingredients: a quarter cup of liquid coffee (warm) + a tablespoon of starch + a quarter of a cup of olive oil

Method: Put the starch in a bowl of water until you form a cohesive dough, then add the warm coffee and stir well. Rub your skin with olive oil and massage for 3 minutes, then apply the mixture of coffee and starch and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing it with warm water with a piece of drying. Soft cotton.

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