What is a DD Cream?


DD cream

As you have noticed, after BB Creams and CC Creams, DD Creams are gradually arriving in perfumeries. First at Décléor and in the coming weeks at Nuxe. The thing has not escaped you, we scrupulously follow the alphabet. The "A" was skipped (we don't know why). Is the release of DD Cream justified other than by marketing? Yes, rather.

DD is the abbreviation for Daily Defense. Understand therefore defense cream against the attacks of the sun and / or pollution. A DD Cream therefore contains a good sun filter. To put it simply, a DD Cream is a tinted cream containing strong sun protection (minimum SPF 30). It is the fusion of your foundation and a sunscreen, in short.

So what is the difference with a BB Cream? BB Cream does not necessarily have an SPF index. For the rest, it is roughly equivalent. A BB with a high SPF can be considered a masked DD Cream. The variant? A DD Cream is not necessarily tinted whereas a BB Cream is (or at least it becomes colored on contact with the skin). Where it gets complicated in the name is when Lancôme launches a Sun BB Cream, which is a solar BB Cream… Is it a DD Cream? Hard to decide. All of this remains marketing names. The functions are the same. “Sun BB Cream” is therefore a synonym for “DD Cream”.

What about CC Cream? The CC has nothing to do with it. It may or may not have a sun filter, but what characterizes it is that it corrects skin color defects: redness, sun spots, dark areas ...

But if not, is it really DD Cream?

We tested Décléor DD Cream and I really liked it. The complexion is corrected, we feel that the skin is hydrated and well protected all day long. Ditto for the Sun BB Cream: we tested and we greatly approve. Its plus is its scent that smells like the holidays.

In short, a DD Cream is good. It's perfect during the summer for girls who continue to wear makeup even in the sun. For those who stay in town in the summer, it's ideal. And once winter returns, you can take out your BB Cream.

Now are you wondering when the EE Cream will come? Well… They already exist in Asia and the United States. These are the “Energy Ehancer” Cream. Here. For FF Cream, we wonder what the brands we will find as an explanation. We start bets on "Flawless Face".

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