Reasons why you should include chia seed in your healthy diet

Chia seed

Chia seed contains a large number of health benefits that can positively change us if we include it in our diet 

Chia seed, healthy to include in our diet

The seeds of chia are one of the healthiest foods that could better come to our body if we include them them them in our daily diet. These types of products are becoming more and more fashionable and it seems that they have already gained a place in our routines. Of course, we must be clear that it is not a miracle food but it does have numerous benefits that we are going to detail below.
Chia is a natural seed from regions of Mexico and Guatemala where throughout history it was cultivated by the Aztecs. After the colonization of America, this seed fell into oblivion, but in recent years it has become an important ingredient among those seeking a healthier life, being one of the star foods among vegetarians and vegans.
Chia seeds provide essential vitamins and minerals for human daily requirements. For starters, it is a food rich in fiber, followed by fat and protein. About the latter, with only 100 grams that you eat, you will be contributing 16.54 grams to the demands of your body.
In addition, chia contains water, retinol, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin, the latter being three of the vitamins that make up the necessary B complex. It also provides an excellent dose of vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Healthy benefits of including chia seed in your diet

For all these benefits, in this article we are going to detail some of the main health benefits of chia seed if we include it in our diet:

Provides healthy fats

Chia seeds have around 9 grams of fat, most of which are polyunsaturated fatty acids. This is about healthy fats, called omega 3 and omega 6, essential for the body and ingested through food. These fats are extremely useful to protect the cardiovascular system, lower blood cholesterol, and blood pressure.

Great source of fiber

A serving of chia should contain 12 grams of carbohydrates, of which 11 correspond to dietary fiber. Therefore, the chia seed, apart from having other healthy properties, stands out for its high fiber content, because with this portion we would almost reach half of the fiber intake that is recommended to take in a day.

Rich in minerals

Chia seeds are an interesting source of basic minerals. This food contains magnesium, but it also provides calcium, manganese, and phosphorus, in addition to other slightly lower amounts of zinc and copper.

Ideal for athletes

Due to their great variety of properties, chia seeds are ideal for the athlete's diet, especially on days of competition or training, as they will provide us with the doses of energy necessary to fulfill our function. What's more, some athletes include these seeds in their isotonic or energy drinks before and after exercise.

Regulates appetite and improves good mood

Fiber and protein play a satiating job in chia seeds. These are excellent to regulate the appetite and avoid hunger attacks that lead us to commit some other sin. Thus, chia seeds are a great ally to lose weight or to maintain a balanced and healthy diet with moderate servings. This will allow us to be in a better mood.

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